Generating Migrations

How are you all going about generating migrations for your engines?

Right now I’m just calling script/generate migration then moving it into
the /vendor/plugins/my_engine/db/migrations path.

Is this the “right way” to be doing it?

Subimage wrote:

How are you all going about generating migrations for your engines?

Right now I’m just calling script/generate migration then moving it into
the /vendor/plugins/my_engine/db/migrations path.

Is this the “right way” to be doing it?

Also to followup - when I do rake engine_migrate sometimes it works -
sometimes it doesn’t. Additionally the schema_info table doesn’t change
at all.

Can anyone shed some light as to how exactly this works?

I tend to write my migrations by hand, but there’s no reason why you
can’t generate them using ‘script/generate migration’ and then move
the corresponding file (renaming it to ensure it has the correct
number) into your engine.

The schema_info table isn’t involved in engine migration at all, since
we need to track multiple engines. The table which does this is,
accordingly, engine_schema_info.

I’m not sure why the engine_migrate task might fail. Is it with a
particular engine? I know in the past the user engine had some
problems - you might want to make sure you have the latest version…

  • james

On 2/28/06, Subimage [email protected] wrote:

at all.

Can anyone shed some light as to how exactly this works?

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  • J *