Gems disapeared after port install of a package

I am new to Mac, tried to set up MSSQL connection
and broke gems on Leopard.

tb-imac:~ tb$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require ‘rubygems’
LoadError: no such file to load – rubygems
from (irb):1:in require' from (irb):1 irb(main):002:0> require 'hpricot' LoadError: no such file to load -- hpricot from (irb):2:inrequire’
from (irb):2
irb(main):003:0> quit

tb-imac:~ tb$ gem list --local

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (2.1.0, 1.3.6)
actionpack (2.1.0, 1.13.6)
actionwebservice (1.2.6)
activerecord (2.1.0, 1.15.6)
activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (
activeresource (2.1.0)
activesupport (2.1.0, 1.4.4)

I think this command broke it:
sudo port install rb-dbi +dbd_odbc

is it possible? How to debig the source of the problem?


On 28 Aug 2008, at 15:44, Tom Bak wrote:

I think this command broke it:
sudo port install rb-dbi +dbd_odbc

is it possible? How to debig the source of the problem?

Have you ended up with two different installs of ruby (I imagine port
would have grabbed ruby as a dependency of rb-dbi) ?

which gem
which irb

point to very different places ?


Frederick C. wrote:

On 28 Aug 2008, at 15:44, Tom Bak wrote:

I think this command broke it:
sudo port install rb-dbi +dbd_odbc

is it possible? How to debig the source of the problem?

Have you ended up with two different installs of ruby (I imagine port
would have grabbed ruby as a dependency of rb-dbi) ?

which gem
which irb

point to very different places ?

Yes, indeed. gem is in /user/bin while irb is in /opt/local/bin/irb

How to remove that not wanted version of ruby? Delete file by file?
Or maybe the ports can cliean up that mess after that install somehow?


Tom Bak wrote:

Frederick C. wrote:

On 28 Aug 2008, at 15:44, Tom Bak wrote:

I think this command broke it:
sudo port install rb-dbi +dbd_odbc

is it possible? How to debig the source of the problem?

Have you ended up with two different installs of ruby (I imagine port
would have grabbed ruby as a dependency of rb-dbi) ?

which gem
which irb

point to very different places ?

Yes, indeed. gem is in /user/bin while irb is in /opt/local/bin/irb

How to remove that not wanted version of ruby? Delete file by file?
Or maybe the ports can cliean up that mess after that install somehow?

sudo port -uf uninstall ruby

Helped :slight_smile:
