.gemrc problem, installing Slave and Daemon on Railsmachine

While trying to install gems on my Railsmachine (hosted) server. The
“sudo gem install” command reported back “Killed” every time I tried
to install the Slave or Daemon gems (As part of getting BackgroundRB
rails plugin to work). With the --debug option on I got the following

/usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/config_file.rb:51 - No such file or
directory - /home/deploy/.gemrc

so I added /home/deploy/.gemrc with the following information:

gemhome: /home/deploy/.gem

  • /home/deploy/.gem
  • /user/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

But again “sudo gem install Slave --debug” ends into trouble:

Exception LoadError' at /usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:27 - no such file to load -- Win32API Exception LoadError’ at /usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/
custom_require.rb:34 - no such file to load – Win32API
removing /tmp/open-uri3286.0…done
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
jremoving /tmp/open-uri3286.0…done

Does anyone have a clue?



On Aug 20, 2007, at 23:35, [email protected] wrote:

While trying to install gems on my Railsmachine (hosted) server. The
“sudo gem install” command reported back “Killed” every time I tried
to install the Slave or Daemon gems (As part of getting BackgroundRB
rails plugin to work). With the --debug option on I got the following

/usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/config_file.rb:51 - No such file or
directory - /home/deploy/.gemrc

–debug prints out every exception, even if caught. This exception
was caught.

Does anyone have a clue?

Likely you don’t have enough memory to do a bulk index update.

If you have a shared slice with limited RAM it is best if you use the
vendor/ directory or gem unpack locally then rsync to install what
you need.