Gem vs. plugin

Can someone help me understand the difference(s) between a Gem and a


Bill W. wrote:

Can someone help me understand the difference(s) between a Gem and a plugin?


A gem is a library of ruby code that can add some specific
functionality. You need to ‘require’ them to use them in your rails
project. They do not depend on Rails for functionality.

A plugin is a bit of code that is loaded by the rails framework when it
starts up that is typically used to add or modify core functionality of
rails. Plugins require Rails to function.

If you have a bit of code that you want to release, it might be better
as a gem if it is generally useful to everyone using Ruby or you might
prefer to package it as a plugin if it really only applies to Rails


Thanks, Kevin. That helps. Would it be safe (i.e., not 100%, but not
inaccurate) to say something like "

Gems extend the functionality, in addition to Rails, that’s available to
your Rails apps, while Plugins allow Rails to provide additional
functionality to a specific Rails app."

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: “_Kevin” [email protected]
To: “Ruby on Rails: Talk” [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:56 AM
Subject: [Rails] Re: Gem vs. plugin

Bill W. wrote:

Can someone help me understand the difference(s) between a Gem and a
starts up that is typically used to add or modify core functionality of

No, because you have to load gems manually anyway.

It would be better to say that Gems extend the functionality of Ruby,
while plugins extend the functionality of Rails.


I’m still not clear. What was the Rails team’s rationale for thinking
up and adopting the plugin scheme (a special code packaging technique
just for Rails’ apps). What does that buy us over having extension
writers package their code as gems?


On 10/25/06, Bill W. [email protected] wrote:

Brian K. Buckley
[email protected]

Kevin wrote:

It would be better to say that Gems extend the
functionality of Ruby, while plugins extend the
functionality of Rails.

I like that. Thanks!


Kevin’s association of gems with ruby and plugins with rails is pretty

Plugins serve a slightly different and more specific purpose than
gems, including a hook (init.rb) which allows a plugin to do any
initialisation at a controlled point while Rails is loaded. Beyond
install.rb, they are really simple, and don’t require any packaging to
distribute. It’s also trivial to distribute them within a Rails

Gems are typically installed on a system-wide basis, requiring another
control mechanism to determine which gem’d plugins might get loaded
for any particular Rails application. What might using gems gain us?
Well, possibly dependencies, but not much more. The current plugin
implementation is simple, focussed, and most importantly is entirely
under the control of the Rails team, so it can be extended in ways
which suit the future direction of the framework without any issues.

On 10/25/06, Brian B. [email protected] wrote:

Brian K. Buckley
[email protected]

  • J *