Gem update problem - (gem update --system)


Running Windows XP SP2

From the ruby directory:

d:\Ruby\bin>gem update --system
Updating RubyGems
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `uid’ for nil:NilClass

From the InstantRails directory:

D:\rails\rails_apps>gem update --system
Updating RubyGems
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `uid’ for nil:NilClass

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Lawrence

You have to do the following things

1 Uninstall the Ruby first.
2. Install the ruby again. Let the computer to choice the folder itself.
Normally the computer will choice “C:” to setup Ruby.
3. Then go to C: drive and type “gem update --system” in the command
prompt. It looks like “C:\gem update --System” and press enter.
4. Thats it. It will update automatically.

