Gem releasing with Hoe: VERSION environment variable require

I want to upload a gem to rubyforge and I am using Hoe to do it.

When I do rake release it stops with the message

Must supply VERSION=x.y.z

after creating the gem.

Hoe s v1.2.0. Looking into the code I see:

task :release => [:clean, :package] do |t|
v = ENV[“VERSION”] or abort “Must supply VERSION=x.y.z”

How is this supposed to work?

Vassilis R. wrote:

task :release => [:clean, :package] do |t|
v = ENV[“VERSION”] or abort “Must supply VERSION=x.y.z”

How is this supposed to work?
To answer my own question:
rake release VERSION=x.y.z

It should have been easy, since it is well documented in “Building Your
Gem With Hoe” by Jacob Harris, only that the slides I found on
Hoe Talk have all the interesting
points (the commands) garbled (like where on the 3rd slide it says gem
build, the slide has DFGHIJLM). Might be a browser problem (I’m on
Firefox on Mac) or a codepage problem.

Luckily I found a PDF version on

Just for the record.