I installed gem on a few machines (identical machines). When I do gem
list --remote on some of them, they dump a big list of packages. When I
do the same command on one of them, it returns nothing:
[root@devbox1 1.8]# gem list --remote
[root@devbox1 1.8]#
Anyone have an idea what’s going on? I tried reinstalling it a few times
Also, when I do a gem list --remote rails, I dont see a version 1.2.3 on
there… nor do I see a rake 0.7.2. Could these packages just be too new
to be in a gem repo or is there some sort of list update that I need to
(ruby noob here)
On Mar 19, 3:23 pm, Mike H. [email protected] wrote:
to be in a gem repo or is there some sort of list update that I need to
What happens when you just try to ‘gem install’ something? Does it
complain about sources? I remember having trouble with an older
version of rubygems where the installer wouldn’t install the sources
gem. But I don’t often use list --remote so I’m not sure if it’s the
same issue.
I downloaded the gem for rake and it installed just fine using gem
install /path/to/rake-0.7.2.gem
"What happens when you just try to ‘gem install’ something? "
if the gem isnt downloaded and i try this, yes it does complain:
gem install mongrel
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find mongrel (> 0) in any repository
On Mar 19, 2007, at 12:23, Mike H. wrote:
Anyone have an idea what’s going on? I tried reinstalling it a few
What does ‘gem sources’ say?
What version of rubygems?