Gem path problems w/ Passenger+Apache2

Anyone else having a dickens of a time getting Passenger+Apache2 to
recognize the gem path?

Many things that work well w/ webbrick just don’t work at all with P+A -
require fails.

Here are my versions:
gem 1.3.3 (from source, partly in attempt to get this working…)
Rails 2.3.2
Jaunty Jackalope (32-bit)
passenger 2.2.2
Apache 2.2.11



On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Marc B. [email protected]

passenger 2.2.2
Apache 2.2.11



Can you provide some additional details about the platform you’re using
the actual error message?


Platform - Ubuntu, 32-bit on EC2, jaunty jackalope

On line that says "require ‘cloud_cache’ " it says file not found.

Note that in order to get "require ‘simple_record’ " to load properly I
to chown www-data:www-data on its files. I did the same on
files but no joy.

Again, all work perfectly well under webbrick.



Check if you have forgotten to “symlink” the ruby executables? You
have to do that regardless of whether you are using Ruby Enterprise or
MRI. See the following article by Peter C… I am using Ruby
Enterprise so I sylinked accordingly.

If you follow everything step-by-step, it should work. Generally, it
is a missed step somewhere that creates such problems.


Are you using passenger’s ruby? Seems I remember reading that if you
are you need to install gems via both the system-ruby and the
passenger-ruby as they end up in different spots and passenger-ruby
only looks for them in it’s own directory heirarchy.
