Gem list empty

Hi all
After I try to install a gem locally using .gem file.My gem
list is showing empty.

    I am using RVM.

     But my app is running and gems are there in directory.

     $gem list
     *** LOCAL GEMS ***

  Please help me out this issue.Thanks in advance...

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Muruga [email protected] wrote:

    *** LOCAL GEMS ***

 Please help me out this issue.Thanks in advance...

Are you using bundler (with a Gemfile ?)

What is output of

$ gem list # full output please
$ bundle exec gem list # this should really show activerecord etc.

The output from above commands can be different !

To use a locally installed gem in a Gemfile with bundler,
something like this may be required:


gem ‘linecache19’, ‘0.5.13’, :path =>



Peter V.

Also try to check your gemsets with this command:

rvm gemset list

maybe the gems are installing in a different gemset and even a different
ruby installation.

Hope this helps!

2012/1/4 Peter V. [email protected]