Gem install/update errors

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Programs\rails_apps\history> gem update rails
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
uri scheme is invalid
Updating installed gems
Process gem exited with code 1

I received this error first while attempting ‘gem install will_paginate’
and have been unable to do any gem install or gem update commands since.
I recently installed git on my computer, but other than that have made
no changes to my environment recently. I couldn’t find anything on this
error elsewhere.

Stacy Vlasits wrote:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Programs\rails_apps\history> gem update rails
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
uri scheme is invalid
Updating installed gems
Process gem exited with code 1

I received this error first while attempting ‘gem install will_paginate’
and have been unable to do any gem install or gem update commands since.
I recently installed git on my computer, but other than that have made
no changes to my environment recently. I couldn’t find anything on this
error elsewhere.

Try removing the gem source for if it’s present. I
think the issues they are having with their domain name may be causing
your problem.

gem sources --remove

That’s what worked for me.


Try doing a “gem sources” and see if one of your sources is

If it is, remove it with “gem sources --remove”.
I had the same problem today, I think it is related to the issue that is having with their domain name.


Check your Gem sources with: gem sources and remove
if it’s listed.
The main domain is down. ihth

–arnie riquelme

Thanks Wayne and Arnie,

That did it.

artixan wrote:

Check your Gem sources with: gem sources and remove
if it’s listed.
The main domain is down. ihth

–arnie riquelme