GD on OS X?

I’m implementing captcha feature on my site, but having problem in
installing GD.
I want to use captcha gem, so I installed GD2 through darwinport.

sudo port install gd2

And then, I installed gd gem and captcha gem.

sudo gem install gd2
sudo gem install captcha

However, I’m still having error message as follows:

no such file to load – GD

This error occured while loading the following files:

I’m using MacBook Pro for the development. Has anyone successfully
installed GD on OS X?

This isn’t what you asked (as I’ve never tried to compile GD on OS X)
but why don’t you try ImageMagick & RMagick (the ruby binding).

(PS, lib tiff seems to be fixed in the ports).


Carl L. wrote:

This isn’t what you asked (as I’ve never tried to compile GD on OS X)
but why don’t you try ImageMagick & RMagick (the ruby binding).

(PS, lib tiff seems to be fixed in the ports).


I tried rmagick but couldn’t find nice captcha solution with this.
Can you point me something if you know one?

BTW, I’m not sure I’m figuring it out correctly, but I think RoR can’t
find GD installation.
GD is installed under /opt/local where darwinport maintains all the
sources and binaries, and RoR is installed under /usr/local.
I followed this instruction
(Dan Benjamin)
when I installed RoR, and now I wonder if gd works if I installed RoR
and everything with darwinport.

However, I’m trying to install gd from source to make everything is
under /usr/local but having problem in compiling with some libraries.
Frustrating :frowning: