FYI review: YAML improvements

Tomas has reviewed this.

Added support to YAML.quick_emit to be called on nested objects where
same emitter needs to be flowed through
Array.pack(“a”) was not dealing with nil input
yaml.rb should to “require stringio” like MRI does
Deleted a second copy of yaml.rb from the IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml folder
Added MutableString.Dump property to be able to inspect large strings in
ir.exe -X:ExceptionDetail was not working in interactive mode because
ir.exe catches the exception and does not call
RubyExceptionData.SetCompiledTrace like a rescue block in Ruby code
do. Fixed this


This is a review on both this and the Gzip commit:


o Please use parenthesis for declaring methods for consistency


o Please use += instead of i = i + 1

o Have we checked that not being a subclass of YAML::Syck::Map is ok?
I suspect it is an implementation detail, but I want to check. If it is
implementation detail, then we probably don’t need to spec that one.


o Don’t spec method lists. For one, a implementation may choose a
superset (so == is wrong), for two, RubySpec doesn’t spec method lists.

o Same question about the subclass, which makes me wonder if that 1st
spec is needed.


o Subclass spec

o Don’t spec exception messages, only exception types.

o I would add a ScratchPad.clear to a before(:each)


o Don’t spec method lists.


o Get rid of EmitterMethods and OutMethods

o Line 54 and 68, no need to do != nil. If the object is nil it will
be false. Also, get rid of the "then"s


o You’re using ScratchPad when there is no reason. 22, 29, put your
should in the Zlib blocks.

o 38 is fine

o 56: don’t spec the exception message


o Don’t spec error messages


o 28: should in the block

o 34

  1.   Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(@io) do |gz|

From: Shri B.
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:41 PM
To: IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: FYI review: YAML improvements

Tomas has reviewed this.

Added support to YAML.quick_emit to be called on nested objects where
same emitter needs to be flowed through
Array.pack(“a”) was not dealing with nil input
yaml.rb should to “require stringio” like MRI does
Deleted a second copy of yaml.rb from the IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml folder
Added MutableString.Dump property to be able to inspect large strings in
ir.exe -X:ExceptionDetail was not working in interactive mode because
ir.exe catches the exception and does not call
RubyExceptionData.SetCompiledTrace like a rescue block in Ruby code
do. Fixed this


FYI: After talking with Brian from RubySpec, I have pulled the specs
that check for be_kind_of(YAML::Syck::*). We have decided that it is
implementation detail, and since IronRuby and RbYaml don’t support it,
it isn’t something that should be specced.


From: Jim D.
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:13 PM
To: Jim D.; Shri B.; IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: FYI review: YAML improvements

Hit ctl-enter instead of shift-enter:


o 28: should in the block

o 34

  1. Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(@io) do |gz|
    end.should == :end_of_block

o 64: error messages

From: Jim D.
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:10 PM
To: Shri B.; IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: FYI review: YAML improvements

This is a review on both this and the Gzip commit:


o Please use parenthesis for declaring methods for consistency


o Please use += instead of i = i + 1

o Have we checked that not being a subclass of YAML::Syck::Map is ok?
I suspect it is an implementation detail, but I want to check. If it is
implementation detail, then we probably don’t need to spec that one.


o Don’t spec method lists. For one, a implementation may choose a
superset (so == is wrong), for two, RubySpec doesn’t spec method lists.

o Same question about the subclass, which makes me wonder if that 1st
spec is needed.


o Subclass spec

o Don’t spec exception messages, only exception types.

o I would add a ScratchPad.clear to a before(:each)


o Don’t spec method lists.


o Get rid of EmitterMethods and OutMethods

o Line 54 and 68, no need to do != nil. If the object is nil it will
be false. Also, get rid of the "then"s


o You’re using ScratchPad when there is no reason. 22, 29, put your
should in the Zlib blocks.

o 38 is fine

o 56: don’t spec the exception message


o Don’t spec error messages


o 28: should in the block

o 34

  1. Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(@io) do |gz|
    From: Shri B.
    Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:41 PM
    To: IronRuby External Code R.
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: FYI review: YAML improvements

Tomas has reviewed this.

Added support to YAML.quick_emit to be called on nested objects where
same emitter needs to be flowed through
Array.pack(“a”) was not dealing with nil input
yaml.rb should to “require stringio” like MRI does
Deleted a second copy of yaml.rb from the IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml folder
Added MutableString.Dump property to be able to inspect large strings in
ir.exe -X:ExceptionDetail was not working in interactive mode because
ir.exe catches the exception and does not call
RubyExceptionData.SetCompiledTrace like a rescue block in Ruby code
do. Fixed this


Hit ctl-enter instead of shift-enter:


o 28: should in the block

o 34

  1.   Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(@io) do |gz|

end.should == :end_of_block

o 64: error messages

From: Jim D.
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:10 PM
To: Shri B.; IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: FYI review: YAML improvements

This is a review on both this and the Gzip commit:


o Please use parenthesis for declaring methods for consistency


o Please use += instead of i = i + 1

o Have we checked that not being a subclass of YAML::Syck::Map is ok?
I suspect it is an implementation detail, but I want to check. If it is
implementation detail, then we probably don’t need to spec that one.


o Don’t spec method lists. For one, a implementation may choose a
superset (so == is wrong), for two, RubySpec doesn’t spec method lists.

o Same question about the subclass, which makes me wonder if that 1st
spec is needed.


o Subclass spec

o Don’t spec exception messages, only exception types.

o I would add a ScratchPad.clear to a before(:each)


o Don’t spec method lists.


o Get rid of EmitterMethods and OutMethods

o Line 54 and 68, no need to do != nil. If the object is nil it will
be false. Also, get rid of the "then"s


o You’re using ScratchPad when there is no reason. 22, 29, put your
should in the Zlib blocks.

o 38 is fine

o 56: don’t spec the exception message


o Don’t spec error messages


o 28: should in the block

o 34

  1.   Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(@io) do |gz|

From: Shri B.
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:41 PM
To: IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: FYI review: YAML improvements

Tomas has reviewed this.

Added support to YAML.quick_emit to be called on nested objects where
same emitter needs to be flowed through
Array.pack(“a”) was not dealing with nil input
yaml.rb should to “require stringio” like MRI does
Deleted a second copy of yaml.rb from the IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml folder
Added MutableString.Dump property to be able to inspect large strings in
ir.exe -X:ExceptionDetail was not working in interactive mode because
ir.exe catches the exception and does not call
RubyExceptionData.SetCompiledTrace like a rescue block in Ruby code
do. Fixed this
