Fwd: Using value from variable in .times method?


I have a variable that stores the population input by a user. I then
want to use this value in the following method:

 4.times{ @offspring<<  @board.clone }

#puts @offspring.inspect

I tried:


but this returned a ‘no method’ error.

Is there a simple way to use the value stored in @pop in this way?


John F. wrote in post #988344:

Yes. Make sure the value you’re storing in @pop is a Fixnum.

Or any Integer value in fact.

My guess is that @pop contains nil, so you get an error like “no method
‘times’ for nil” - it would be much clearer if you posted the actual

Yes. Make sure the value you’re storing in @pop is a Fixnum. What’s
the value of @pop when you try to use it?

~ jf

John F.
Principal Consultant, BitsBuilder
LI: http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnxf
SO: User John Feminella - Stack Overflow

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Jen [email protected] wrote:

I confess I don’t know a lot of the technical stuff about class Fixnum, as
I’ve not really needed to until now.

Time to learn :slight_smile:

Currently I am getting the value of ‘pop’ from the user with the following

puts “please enter a population size”
pop = gets.chomp

$ irb

foo = “1”
=> “1”
=> “String”
bar = 1
=> 1
=> “Fixnum”
bar.times { puts “cool” }
=> 1
foo.times { puts “cool” }
NoMethodError: undefined method `times’ for “1”:String
from (irb):6

Hi John,

I confess I don’t know a lot of the technical stuff about class Fixnum,
as I’ve not really needed to until now.

Currently I am getting the value of ‘pop’ from the user with the
following code:

puts “please enter a population size”
pop = gets.chomp

Do I have to declare the type of pop as fixnum?

Note when I run ‘pop.inspect’ after getting the value from the user it
returns the value I input.


After posting last night I determined that ‘pop’ was a string by

puts pop.class

I then found out about the .to_i method. After applying this my issue at
least seems to be resolved. The post below at least confirms I’m on the
right track, so thanks for that.


On 03/19/2011 06:16 PM, Jen wrote:

Hi John,

I confess I don’t know a lot of the technical stuff about class Fixnum,
as I’ve not really needed to until now.

You should take a little time and learn a bit more detail about numbers
in Ruby. Expanding your knowledge about strings and the String class
would also be a good idea so that you understand how the classes differ.

Currently I am getting the value of ‘pop’ from the user with the
following code:

puts “please enter a population size”
pop = gets.chomp

The gets method returns a String. The chomp method is a method for
String instances that also returns a String. If the String represents a
number, such as “1234”, then you can convert that into a Fixnum or
related number type by calling to_i on the String. e.g.)

the_number = pop.to_i
