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Here’s my entry for the Chip8 quiz question - I expect to be far

away from net access when the time limit expires. I implemented

Well who knew they’d have easily accessible wireless within spitting
distance of Rocky Mountain National Park?

Here’s my solution again, but this time without > marks that prevent
people from trying it, and hopefully without mangled lines:

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

Here’s my entry for the Chip8 quiz question - I expect to be far

away from net access when the time limit expires. I implemented

a few of the operations not in the quiz because they were very

easy to add, and I thought that they would be useful in writing

some of my own Chip-8 programs, but I ran out of time before vacation

and so never wrote my Chip-8 division program. Doing a full simulator

of Chip-8 with ASCII-art graphics sounds a bit interesting, and I

might do it at some point, depending on my desire for serious retro


My program runs the file given as the first argument, or, if given

no arguments runs the test program from the quiz. The second and

subsequent arguments should be of the form =, with

both and written in hex.

Only the registers whose values are changed (including those


from the command line) are dumped when the program exits.

class Chip8
def initialize(memblock)
@ip = 0
@memblock = memblock
@registers = Array.new(16){nil}

These are the pieces of the current operation

def op; (@memblock[@ip]||0)/16; end
def x; (@memblock[@ip]||0)%16; end
def y; (@memblock[@ip+1]||0)/16; end
def k; (@memblock[@ip+1]||0); end
def n; 256*x + k; end
def op2;(@memblock[@ip+1]||0)%16; end

Some convenient accessor functions

def ; @registers[r]; end
def []=(r,v); @registers[r]=v; end
def vx; self[x]; end
def vy; self[y]; end

Used to implement both addition and subtraction

def add(a,b)
ret1 = a + b
ret = ret1 & 0xff
self[0xF] = (ret1!=ret)?1:0

def do_instruction
case op
when 0
return false if [x,k] == [0,0]
raise “bad/unknown opcode #{@memblock[@ip,2].unpack(‘H4’)}”
when 1; @ip=n; return true
when 3; @ip += 2 if vx == k
when 4; @ip += 2 if vx != k
when 5; @ip += 2 if vx == vy
when 6; self[x] = k
when 7; self[x] = add(vx,k)
when 8
case op2
when 0; self[x] = vy
when 1; self[x] |= vy
when 2; self[x] &= vy
when 3; self[x] ^= vy
when 4; self[x] = add(vx,vy)
when 5; self[x] = add(vx,256-vy)
when 7; self[x] = add(256-vx,vy)
when 6; self[0xF] = vx & 1; self[x] >>= 1
when 0xE; self[0xF] = vx >> 7; self[x] <<= 1
raise “bad opcode #{@memblock[@ip,2].unpack(‘H4’)}”
when 12; self[x] = k & rand(256)
raise “bad opcode #{@memblock[@ip,2].unpack(‘H4’)}”
@ip += 2
return true

def run
1 while do_instruction

def dump
contents = @registers.map {|a| a ? [a].pack(‘C’).unpack(“B8”) : nil}
@registers.each_index { |i|
printf(“V%X:%s (%d)\n”,i,contents[i],@registers[i]) if contents[i]

def Chip8.run(memblock, init={})
a = Chip8.new(memblock)
init.each{|h,k| a[h] = k}

if FILE == $0
if ARGV.empty?
# test program from the quiz spec
Chip8.run(%w{ 61 77 62 45 71 01 83 20 81 21 81 22
82 33 81 34 82 35 81 06 83 27 83 0e 64 ff c4 11
32 bb 10 00 00 00 }.map{|b| [b].pack(“H2”)}.join)
init = {}
buff = “”
if ARGV[1] and ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/
buff = “\0” * ARGV[1].to_i
File.open(ARGV[0], “rb”) {|f| buff += f.read}
ARGV[1…-1].each {|s| r,v = s.split(/=/); init[r.hex]=v.hex}
Chip8.run(buff, init)