Fwd: Guide : what is the value of the IF converted before feeding the ADC in usrp/gnuradio

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ton ph [email protected]
Date: Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Guide : what is the value of the IF
converted before feeding the ADC in usrp/gnuradio
To: “Marcus D. Leech” [email protected]

Thanks Marcus for your immediate reply. Now i have a DBSRX and WBX
daughterboard , how can i know in what IF it is converted before the
ADC, is
there any other means to check the IF intake of the ADC ? …

One more thing i would like to know is that , does the IF converted is
same for all the frequencies and bands ?

Thanks Marcus for ur concern.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Marcus D. Leech [email protected]

Discuss-gnuradio Info Page


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On 04/12/2011 10:45 PM, ton ph wrote:

there any other means to check the IF intake of the ADC ? …

One more thing i would like to know is that , does the IF converted is the
same for all the frequencies and bands ?

For most daughterboards, the IF is usually the tuning error between the
user’s requested center frequency and the actual frequency as supported
by the hardware. So the IF is usually close to 0. The user may override
this (in many cases to move the LO out of the spectrum of interest). See


Thanks john , what i extracted from the information is that , in usrp
baseband is is centered with IF as close to zero … right.Is that the IF
conversion is same for all the frequencies and bands , and also how the
sampling process reacts to the different data rate baseband data …
Thanks , and i highly apologies for any mistaken information in my post