Funky routing

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’, :requirements => { :id =>
/^(.html)/ }

The requirement is turning all of my routes into /foo?id=54354 instead
of /foo/54354


Guest wrote:

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’, :requirements => { :id =>
/^(.html)/ }

The requirement is turning all of my routes into /foo?id=54354 instead
of /foo/54354


I can only ask that you ignore the regex dealing with .html because of
the business requirements.

On Thu Jun 22, 2006 at 07:49:18AM +0200, Guest wrote:

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’, :requirements => { :id =>
/^(.html)/ }

The requirement is turning all of my routes into /foo?id=54354 instead
of /foo/54354

ive noticed similar stuff. are you using SVN? i m prett sure some things
subtly changed. but i need to do an SVN up and see if it goes awa, i
havent updated for a few weeks. basically everything works fine on a
production server with apache, but here, things are totally screwed, i
get a lot of that ?id= crap…

I’m still running 1.1.2, so this shouldn’t be affected by what Jamis is
working on.

routes are behaving much different (eg broken) for me lately (r4484).
but maybe theres a better way to to short_urls anyways. this is my wild
guess, which worked fine with 1.1.2, but is unfortunately not
consoldated to routes.rb:

map.entity ‘entity/:id’, :controller => ‘entity’, :action => ‘show’,
:requirements => { :id=> /\d+/ }
map.entity ‘*shorturl’,:controller => ‘entity’, :action => ‘show’

module EntityHelper
def u(e)
e.short_url ? entity_url(:shorturl => e.short_url) : entity_url(:id

@e = Entity.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
@e = Entity.find_by_short_url(params[:shorturl]) if params[:shorturl]

in the meantime, ive gone back to the revision in use on the server…