I have a Rails 1.2.3 app that’s running under cruisecontrol.rb (thanks
Thoughtworks). I recently added a test to a search controller that makes
a fulltext query to a MySQL table. The create_table statement in the
migration clearly indicates that the engine should be MyISAM:
create_table “events”, :options => ‘TYPE=MyISAM’, :force => true do |t|
t.column “url_hash”, :string, :limit => 30
t.column “user_id”, :integer
t.column “active”, :boolean, :default => true, :null => false
t.column “featured”, :boolean
t.column “start_time”, :datetime
t.column “end_time”, :datetime
Whenever I blow the database away and run rake db:migrate in the
development environment, the tables are created with the MyISAM engine.
However, whenever I run rake db:migrate in the test environment, all
tables in that db are InnoDB, except schema_info. Does anyone have any
clues on why this behavior would be different? Thanks.