Functional Testing - page actions

Pretty simple question, I’ve tried to ajaxify some actions and the first
one I did was a delete -

def delete_job

render :update do |page|
page.remove “job_#{id}”


and in my functional test I call this function via post

def test…
post :delete_job, :id => 1
assert_response :success


after the assert_response, how do I test that the page is deleting the
job / div? I created some entries and ran this manually and it worked,
but I don’t know what the assert is for the test.

On 1 Apr 2008, at 16:55, Bob Br wrote:

after the assert_response, how do I test that the page is deleting the
job / div? I created some entries and ran this manually and it
but I don’t know what the assert is for the test.

There’s assert_select_rjs and i’ve also used a plugin called arts

Frederick C. wrote:

There’s assert_select_rjs and i’ve also used a plugin called arts

Forgot to say thank you eariler, that was exactly what I was looking

Course heres a similar but new question -

Now I’ve gotten more ajax and javascript calls going on.
On one page there is a js function to remove an item from one list box,
and a function to add the item to a second list box.

render :update do |page| “addNewElement”, ‘listbox_a’, ‘id’, ‘text’, ‘value’ “removeSelectedElemet”, ‘listbox_b’, ‘id’, ‘value’

where ‘value’ is the element id I’m working with.

The xhr call goes off without a hitch, but I’m stumped how to write the
functional test to make sure it works - it runs fine in a browser.

I originally tried the assert_select_rjs but since there isn’t a insert
or remove call in there, but a call to one of my own functions I’m not
sure what function I should be using.

In this same vein, how would you test that an alert box was fired?