Functional test behaving oddly in a manually working model

Hello all,-

wondering if you can help me with a weird testing problem. I have a
Newsletter model that has been developed and tested in a previous
version (older branch) of my current project. Under that old project,
all tests run perfectly with no failures. Moreover, in the current
project Newsletter behaves perfectly with manual tests - ie creating,
deleting, editing newsletters by hand.

When I run rake test:functionals however, the tests don’t do what they
are supposed to. Here’s a method from NewslettersControllerTest:

def test_should_create_newsletter
login_as(:admin_user) #method in test_helper.rb
puts "I am " + users(:admin_user).id.to_s #loads correct user from
puts "My email: " + users(:admin_user).email #same, correct user
old_count = Newsletter.count
puts "Old count: " + old_count.to_s #1
post :create, :newsletter => { :subject => ‘testing creating
newsletter’, :body => ‘Test’ }
puts "Old count after create: " + old_count.to_s #1
#assert_equal old_count+1, Newsletter.count #fails
puts "Newsletter count after create: " + Newsletter.count.to_s #1
#assert_redirected_to newsletter_path(assigns(:newsletter))

And here’s the console output:

I am 2
My email: [email protected]
Old count: 1
Old count after create: 1
Newsletter count after create: 1
Finished in 3.518293 seconds.

  1. Failure:
    assert_difference' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.1/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb:48:ineach_with_index’
    each' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/test/unit/assertions.rb:42:ineach_with_index’
    assert_difference' ./test/functional/newsletters_controller_test.rb:58:intest_should_destroy_newsletter’
    __send__' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.1/lib/active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb:33:inrun’]:
    <0> expected but was

Can anyone see what is wrong here?

Many thanks, Vahagn

On Oct 27, 10:33 am, Vahagn H. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:

are supposed to. Here’s a method from NewslettersControllerTest:
Have you tried looking a little closer at why its failing ? Eg stick a
breakpoint in the action and see what happens. If the action doesn’t
run at all because of some filter (eg authentication - are you sure
your login_as method works ?) then there will be a note in test.log



The “Failure” console output above is for the wrong test (as the
assertion was commented out in test_create_newsletter). Here’s the right

  1. Failure:
    test_should_create_newsletter' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.1/lib/active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb:33:insend
    <2> expected but was

/ Vahagn

Vahagn H. wrote:

Hello all,-

wondering if you can help me with a weird testing problem. I have a
Newsletter model that has been developed and tested in a previous
version (older branch) of my current project. Under that old project,
all tests run perfectly with no failures. Moreover, in the current
project Newsletter behaves perfectly with manual tests - ie creating,
deleting, editing newsletters by hand.

When I run rake test:functionals however, the tests don’t do what they
are supposed to. Here’s a method from NewslettersControllerTest:

def test_should_create_newsletter
login_as(:admin_user) #method in test_helper.rb
puts "I am " + users(:admin_user).id.to_s #loads correct user from
puts "My email: " + users(:admin_user).email #same, correct user
old_count = Newsletter.count
puts "Old count: " + old_count.to_s #1
post :create, :newsletter => { :subject => ‘testing creating
newsletter’, :body => ‘Test’ }
puts "Old count after create: " + old_count.to_s #1
#assert_equal old_count+1, Newsletter.count #fails
puts "Newsletter count after create: " + Newsletter.count.to_s #1
#assert_redirected_to newsletter_path(assigns(:newsletter))

And here’s the console output:

I am 2
My email: [email protected]
Old count: 1
Old count after create: 1
Newsletter count after create: 1
Finished in 3.518293 seconds.

  1. Failure:
    assert_difference' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.1/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb:48:ineach_with_index’
    each' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/test/unit/assertions.rb:42:ineach_with_index’
    assert_difference' ./test/functional/newsletters_controller_test.rb:58:intest_should_destroy_newsletter’
    __send__' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.1/lib/active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb:33:inrun’]:
    <0> expected but was

Can anyone see what is wrong here?

Many thanks, Vahagn

On 27 Oct 2008, at 10:43, Vahagn H. wrote:

Hi Fred,-

login_as works in all other tests! And I actually test it by the puts
statements, it works because I can see the admin_user’s id is 2, and
email is [email protected]. This means that login_as works by loading
that user from the fixture:

Fair enough (although you’re not actually testing that it works, just
that that fixture exists, which is different from whether the session
has been faked up properly or something like that).
I’d still check your logs to see if some filter or something is
stopping your action from running. Another possibility is a validation


Hi Fred,-

login_as works in all other tests! And I actually test it by the puts
statements, it works because I can see the admin_user’s id is 2, and
email is [email protected]. This means that login_as works by loading
that user from the fixture:

id: 2
username: admin
email: [email protected]
hashed_password: #very long hash
created_at: <%= 1.days.ago.to_s(:db) %>

/ Vahagn

Frederick C. wrote:

On Oct 27, 10:33�am, Vahagn H. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:

are supposed to. Here’s a method from NewslettersControllerTest:
Have you tried looking a little closer at why its failing ? Eg stick a
breakpoint in the action and see what happens. If the action doesn’t
run at all because of some filter (eg authentication - are you sure
your login_as method works ?) then there will be a note in test.log



Fred, thanks a ton. There was another fixture, roles_users, that I
forgot to import from the old project. Which resulted in the test
skipping the create method because of invalid user authentication.

I arrived at that by placing a breakpoint in the controller (create),
and by examining the test log (great tip, sure to become a habit!)

All the best,

Frederick C. wrote:

On 27 Oct 2008, at 10:43, Vahagn H. wrote:

Hi Fred,-

login_as works in all other tests! And I actually test it by the puts
statements, it works because I can see the admin_user’s id is 2, and
email is [email protected]. This means that login_as works by loading
that user from the fixture:

Fair enough (although you’re not actually testing that it works, just
that that fixture exists, which is different from whether the session
has been faked up properly or something like that).
I’d still check your logs to see if some filter or something is
stopping your action from running. Another possibility is a validation
