Is it possible to find out the full path of all the files that have
been required within a currently running script?
Is it possible to find out the full path of all the files that have
been required within a currently running script?
On May 30, 2008, at 9:39 AM, aidy wrote:
Is it possible to find out the full path of all the files that have
been required within a currently running script?Aidy
oops - ignore that other post, i meant
puts $LOADED_FEATURES.map{|path| File.expand_path path}
sorry bout that…
On May 30, 2008, at 9:39 AM, aidy wrote:
Is it possible to find out the full path of all the files that have
been required within a currently running script?Aidy
puts $:.map{|path| File.expand_path path}
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