
Other than sounding vaguely offensive, _fu (as a suffix) means nothing
to me. Could someone clue me in?


Kung fu, Shaq fu, wiki fu, code fu…

It’s a “back formation” in fancy pants linguistic terms:


On Jan 17, 2008 12:22 PM, Mark W. [email protected] wrote:

Other than sounding vaguely offensive, _fu (as a suffix) means nothing
to me. Could someone clue me in?



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On Jan 17, 2008 9:27 AM, Jeremy McAnally [email protected]

Kung fu, Shaq fu, wiki fu, code fu…

a construction popularized Way Back When – that’s before “Back In
The Day”, for the youngsters on the list :slight_smile: – by Joe Bob Briggs,
“drive-in movie critic extraordinaire”, in his B-movie reviews – see
examples at http://www.joebobbriggs.com/


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]

Thanks, guys - I would never have figured that out. And how would
someone? “The meaning of _fu in Rails code” isn’t something you can
easily google.


I guess other things in Rails, such as “acts_as_taggable_on_steroids”
are a
bit ambiguous also. What does the “on_steroids” mean to somebody who’s
reading it for the first time? Rails is designed to be human readable,
the names the humans give to some of their
classes/methods/plugins/applications are not human-readable and do not
explain themselves in a name, for example, http://beanstalkapp.com/. But
have to give “imaginative” names to things because all the proper names
taken by those bastards The Domain Campers.

On Jan 18, 2008 4:38 AM, Mark W. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks, guys - I would never have figured that out. And how would
someone? “The meaning of _fu in Rails code” isn’t something you can
easily google.


Ryan B.

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