FSSM gem to watch directory

Hello all,

I’m setting up my application to watch a directory in the application
and take action when a file is added/modified in that directory.

I’m using the following gems:

When running the fssm_control via $ ./script/fssm_control the process
starts/stops without any complaints but in the log file I get the

#<NoMemoryError: failed to allocate memory>
#<SystemStackError: stack level too deep>
#<fatal: exception reentered>
#<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)>
#<NameError: method recognize' not defined in Rack::Mount::RouteSet> *** below you find the most recent exception thrown, this will be likely (but not certainly) the exception that made the application exit abnormally *** #<NameError: methodrecognize’ not defined in Rack::Mount::RouteSet>
*** below you find all exception objects found in memory, some of them
may have been thrown in your application, others may just be in memory
because they are standard exceptions ***
#<NoMemoryError: failed to allocate memory>
#<SystemStackError: stack level too deep>
#<fatal: exception reentered>
#<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)>
#<NameError: method `recognize’ not defined in Rack::Mount::RouteSet>

Below is my script to run this process


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ‘rubygems’
require “daemons”

dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘…’))

options = {
:app_name => “fssm_control”,
:multiple => false,
:dir_mode => :normal,
:dir => File.join(dir, ‘tmp’, ‘pids’),
:backtrace => true,
:monitor => true

Daemons.run(File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘fssm.rb’), options)

I apologize if there is not enough information but I can answer any
questions that might lead to a solution.

Thank you in advance