Trent B. wrote:
Ok, but do I get a Mac if I do it?
No! At least unless I get one also.
And, can I be in one of those rails envy video’s?
Hmm, do you look like the MS guy or the Mac guy? I look a little more
like the MS guy, btw.
And from what I understand, most people start these projects,
and leave fast, unless it is done with for a paying job. lol.
Well, since I plan on consuming my own Koolaid, it won’t die as long as
I’m hosting websites. My main line of business is based on Joomla, but
I’m not a PHP fan. I’d rather use Ruby & Rails any day. So, in a way
it is for a paid job also and will lead to other paid jobs.
got milk? pass the cookies.
I’m err, on a diet. A beer diet.
how many hours do you think it would take? or years? decades.
i am old. will we be done before i die?
Pass the walkers please. Since it would be a living project, it would
last indefinitely. How long would it take? That depends on how skilled
we are as Ruby/Rails developers and how much time we can commit.
It would take less time than the initial launch of Mambo for many
reason. Getting more than two developers involved would also,
obviously. I wouldn’t want it to be a going-no-where open source
can we make up our own name instead of Joomla!? the name does not go
well with my coding sweaters
Yes, we’d pick a new name, but sweaters must a red/white motif.
who is gonna be the project leader?
Someone more experienced than me. I’m simply a developer with a
self-serving motive. I’m a senior developer but not in Ruby or Rails
which might be a disadvantage unless I ran the project and relied
heavily on experienced Ruby developers to keep me out of trouble. If I
have a say, it’d be published under the MIT license though.