From "int cfunc(char *data,int *num) " how can I get the value of 'num' in ruby/dl?

I have a question about “ruby/dl”.

I define the function in “ruby/dl” like the belows

require ‘dl’
cfunc=LIB[‘cfunc’,‘ISi’] # int cfunc(char *data,int *num)

After typing in irb, I typed them like this.


But, error message is displayed like the belows.

“TypeError: can’t convert DL::PtrData into Integer”

I’m not sure how to solve the problem.

It makes me annoying

Please let me know the reason and solutions for novice like me.

Then, Thank you in advance.

Stop posting the same thing. If you don’t get an answer, maybe you need
restate your question.


Quoth Jason R.:

Stop posting the same thing. If you don’t get an answer, maybe you need to
restate your question.


Or develop some patience.

On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:23:52 -0500, Jason R. wrote:

Stop posting the same thing. If you don’t get an answer, maybe you need
to restate your question.

Calm down. The same message, posted two minutes apart, probably means a
mail server hiccuped somewhere along the line, and probably doesn’t mean
the poster had any intention to be rude or pushy.

(Who finally got his mail unstuck yesterday after nobody recieved the
emails he sent for over a week.)

Quoth Ken B.:

emails he sent for over a week.)

Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

He’s posted the same message about four times now, with various
differing time
intervals between them. This would lead me to believe that he is just
repeatedly on rubyforum.
