Free webeditor


I have an website with a lot of textareas, and in those textarea you can
write html code. Like making an table, centre text, bold, etc. Then the
content will be shown as html on the website. Just like hotmail has an
editor when you write an email.

Does anyone has something like htmlarea of Drupal, but it is in php, and I want
something like javascript, that I can use with my RoR website. An
advantage is that you can switch between the user friendly interface,
and the basic html code.





On 11/12/06, Nick B. [email protected] wrote:

something like javascript, that I can use with my RoR website. An

Camber Corporation Asia-Pacific Office
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 808 782-5046
Current Location: Melbourne, FL

Anthony E. wrote:




On 11/12/06, Nick B. [email protected] wrote:

something like javascript, that I can use with my RoR website. An

Camber Corporation Asia-Pacific Office
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 808 782-5046
Current Location: Melbourne, FL

Thanks, TinyMCE is the best so far!!

On 11/12/06, Nick B. [email protected] wrote:

Does anyone has something like htmlarea of Drupal, but it is in php, and I want
something like javascript, that I can use with my RoR website.

Actually, HTMLArea is pure javascript. The original developer stopped
maintaining it, but another picked it up and renamed it XINHA (Xinha Is
Not HTMLArea) and continues maintaining it. Xinha is available at

To add to what the others have mentioned, the dojo toolkit includes a
simple editor as well (

  • Mark.

Mark T.
Internet Systems Architect

BAE SYSTEMS Information Technology
2525 Network Place
Herndon, VA 20171 USA

thanks i will try all those

I have an website with a lot of textareas, and in those textarea you can
write html code. Like making an table, centre text, bold, etc. Then the
content will be shown as html on the website. Just like hotmail has an
editor when you write an email.

Does anyone has something like htmlarea of Drupal, but it is in php, and I want
something like javascript, that I can use with my RoR website. An
advantage is that you can switch between the user friendly interface,
and the basic html code.

FCKEditor Plugin for Rails

Nick B. wrote:

thanks i will try all those

I highly suggest FCKEditor.

On it’s own it’s a fabulous cross-browser WYSIWYG editor - but combined
with the plugin it’s even better - it integrates file/image
uploading/placement right into the tools. It’s easy to extend/configure
and seems to have far fewer “quirks” than TinyMCE or HTMLArea - I’ve
used all three extensively.