FREE Pass ($375 value) to pre-Conference OWASP AppSec USA 2012
Offer for Developers New to Application Security and the OWASP
What: FREE half-day training
*Course Title: Web Application Secure Defensive Coding Boot Camp *
*Instructors: *
Jim Manico, VP of Security Architecture at WhiteHat Security
Eoin Keary, CTO and founder of BCC Risk Advisory
When: Morning or Afternoon session:
Tuesday, October 23, 2012; 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2012; 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Why: Regardless of your chosen/mandated framework for building web
applications: Spring, Struts, Rails, PHP, Python, etc., you want to make
your life easier, and potentially less embarrassing. *Dont be the one
left the door open for hackers. *Learn handy tips from two of the worlds
leading AppSec experts.
Who is Eligible: Developers (dev managers welcome, assign people from
your team to attend). Bring yourself, no materials required.
Where: Austin Hyatt Regency Downtown; 208 Barton Springs Road, Austin
Register here:
Morning session:
Afternoon session:
Disclaimer: First come, first served, there is limited capacity. Offer
for developers new to application security and the OWASP Community.
by October 8, 2012.
*Dont miss this opportunity because OWASP AppSec USA is hosted in Austin
this year! In addition, register for AppSec USA 2012
- (more training on Wednesday, October 24; full conference
October 25-26).*