Free USRP (has a new home)


Congratulations Jerry KD6JDJ as we discussed you will be receiving my
USRP for your
NOAA satellite project! To all those 30+ people who wrote me an email,
thanks for sharing
your project proposals, it was very nice to be able to read them all, I
wish you all can have
a free USRP! :wink:


Great choice! I have used the USRP to receive NOAA APT signals before
(with one of Jerry’s antenna designs it seems, incidentally). Very
curious what he is going to do with it :slight_smile:


On 08.02.2010, 22:21 Jamie M. [email protected] wrote:


Congratulations Jerry KD6JDJ as we discussed you will be receiving my USRP for your
NOAA satellite project! To all those 30+ people who wrote me an email, thanks for sharing
your project proposals, it was very nice to be able to read them all, I wish you all can have
a free USRP! :wink:

On 09.02.2010, 05:26 Johnathan C. [email protected]

On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 03:01 +0100, Markus Kern wrote:

Great choice! I have used the USRP to receive NOAA APT signals before
(with one of Jerry’s antenna designs it seems, incidentally). Very
curious what he is going to do with it :slight_smile:

BTW, the (newish) gr-noaa component in GNU Radio can receive and
demodulate the AVHRR/HRPT 1.1 km/pixel telemetry from NOAA POES
spacecraft. There is a crude Matlab/Octave rasterizer script to turn
the telemetry into B&W PNG files for each imaging channel, or the output
can be read directly into a commercial HRPT rendering program like
HRPTreader for more sophisticated false color image generation.

That looks impressive! Is there any documentation on the RF front end
you used? Can the DBSRX be used directly with a suitable antenna?


On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 03:01 +0100, Markus Kern wrote:

Great choice! I have used the USRP to receive NOAA APT signals before
(with one of Jerry’s antenna designs it seems, incidentally). Very
curious what he is going to do with it :slight_smile:

BTW, the (newish) gr-noaa component in GNU Radio can receive and
demodulate the AVHRR/HRPT 1.1 km/pixel telemetry from NOAA POES
spacecraft. There is a crude Matlab/Octave rasterizer script to turn
the telemetry into B&W PNG files for each imaging channel, or the output
can be read directly into a commercial HRPT rendering program like
HRPTreader for more sophisticated false color image generation.



There is also a cross-platform POES/GOES LRIT/HRIT spacecraft decoder
Screen shot

At the moment it does the following:

  • render NOAA POES HRPT imagery
  • render decompressed GOES LRIT/HRIT full disk imagery
  • realtime satelellite tracking and prediction
  • LPT rotor control support
  • antenna AZ/EL HID device sensor support

I have not yet bothered to make a HOWTO web-page but soon when it gets
warmer up here North…
It is built using Qt Creator

If you are interested, checkout the latest revision from and do a build
svn checkout

View the work in progress at

Warning, it is a VERY work in progress SW,

----- Original Message -----
From: “Johnathan C.” [email protected]
To: “Markus Kern” [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 6:26
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] free USRP (has a new home)