Thanks for the input Brian. A few comments inline.
I don’t like all the different memory megacells. Wrap the
altsyncram/fifo with the generics you require and pass those in using
the same module underneath. It reduces clutter for having more of the
same thing.
Are you talking about not using the megacells at all? I see your point,
I don’t see it as a high priority.
However, there are areas that I think fifos are restrictive/inefficient
lot of the logic ultimately boils down to maintaining counters to gate
fifo counters; it seems redundant. Why not just use the dp-ram
Not to mention that non-sequential access could be handy in some places.
You shouldn’t negate the clock going into the asynchronous FIFOs at
the rx_channel_buffer level - do it at the input of the module as it
is more clear what you intend.
I had thought about just inverting usbclock so all the modules would be
posedge. The negedge logic was a last minute change, I had overlooked
aspect of the FX2 interface initially.
I’d separate out the FIFO muxing to its own module. I’d separate out
the banking of the FIFOs (command and data) to be their own individual
I’d like to see the command channel I/O more integrated and away from
other channels.
modules. I’d try to accommodate {1,2,4,8,16} bits per sample. I’d
try to accommodate both complex and real sampling for each of the
The issue of I/Q or not is kind of tricky, since it means the difference
between 1 and 2 channels, and the logic would span multiple channel
I think a new module in front of the buffers is in order. A sample
of sorts.
different bit widths used. I’d make buffer lengths generic at the top
level. I’d accommodate for channel loop-back, bypassing the HB/CIC
filters and simply strobing the samples back to the RX side.
I’m pretty sure that logic would be outside of the channel buffer.
Maybe a
feature of the “sample switcher”.
Those are just some ideas. Make the interfaces as simple as possible
and most everything should fall right into place.
All good ideas. FYI, I am focused on getting functionality in the near
term. I certainly want the architecture to be as well designed as
but getting the functionality with the least changes/time is my first