I’m working on FPGA mods to push a little bit of work off of the
computer onto the USRP’s FPGA. If I understand correctly, the right way
to do what I want is to create a new config file (e.g. a modification of
usrp_std_config_2rxhb_2tx.vh) with my changes in the defines.
First, the comment: “// IF RX_ON is not defined, there is no transmit
circuitry built” – that should be `receive circuitry’, yes?
Second, in what applications are multiple receive and transmit channels
are used? They aren’t used in tunnel.py right? I want to be doing RX and
TX on the RFX2400 as in tunnel.py; this application only uses one RX and
one TX channel, so I can define RX_SINGLE and TX_SINGLE instead of the
DUAL versions?
On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 03:49:19PM -0800, Dan H. wrote:
I’m working on FPGA mods to push a little bit of work off of the
computer onto the USRP’s FPGA. If I understand correctly, the right way
to do what I want is to create a new config file (e.g. a modification of
usrp_std_config_2rxhb_2tx.vh) with my changes in the defines.
First, the comment: “// IF RX_ON is not defined, there is no transmit
circuitry built” – that should be `receive circuitry’, yes?
That’s right. I’ve fixed in svn.
Second, in what applications are multiple receive and transmit channels
are used? They aren’t used in tunnel.py right? I want to be doing RX and
TX on the RFX2400 as in tunnel.py; this application only uses one RX and
one TX channel, so I can define RX_SINGLE and TX_SINGLE instead of the
DUAL versions?
However, because I was a lazy bum, I didn’t add the conditionals
that distinguish between TX_SINGLE and TX_DUAL.
You’ll need to add the appropriate `ifdef TX_EN_0 and TX_EN_1 gating in
usrp_std.v. [Please send a patch.]
And send your new config file too. I assume it’s going to be