trying to resolve some relatively simple problem. We have a webserver,
it works NGINX. All the requirements that come with either sent from
this site, or (as have the flv and mp4) to send to another server and
send it from this second server
To use this simple rule in nginx.conf:
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^(.)flv$ http://second-server.cz$1flv;
rewrite ^(.)mp4$ http://second-server.cz$1mp4;
New but need to be directed only to the requirements of this from some
IP ranges (which is about 5000) and everything outside these ranges are
odbavovalo directly from this server.
(the local node in the Czech Republic where the link is cheap providers
from one datacenter, and external flow is cheap from the second
Is there a simple solution to this problem?
Thanks a lot.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:04:44PM +0200, michal krajcirovic wrote:
New but need to be directed only to the requirements of this from some
IP ranges (which is about 5000) and everything outside these ranges are
odbavovalo directly from this server.
(the local node in the Czech Republic where the link is cheap providers
from one datacenter, and external flow is cheap from the second
Is there a simple solution to this problem?
I’m not understand your problem completely, should it be redirect
or proxying ? Probably you need somethign like this:
geo $czech {
default 0; 1;
location ~ .(flv|mp4)$ {
error_page 404 = @ext
location @ext {
if ($czech) {
rewrite ^ http://second-server.cz$request_uri;
# what’s here ?
Igor S. napsal(a):
if (!-e $request_filename) {
thanks for the reply. Try to describe better 
I have a server to me coming requests. This server is responsible to
them, but all requests *.flv and *.mp4 is resend to Server2 by rule (i
send it in previous mail).
I want: if the request comes from a different IP than in the list (list
includes the Czech IP), immediately responded to a request and not
sending it to Server2.
It would use the GeoIP, but I have nginx directly from the debian
package does not need to be re-compiled with GeoIP?
Thanks a lot.