Hi there,
I have a forum which allow user to post comment.
For security reason, when user submit a new post , I will use h() to
any html or javascript code.
Is there any function likes h(), which will escape most of the
html/javascript code,
but also keep some basic html elements like , ,
… so
user can post comment with some-html ?
“Gary L.” [email protected] writes:
Hi there,
I have a forum which allow user to post comment.
For security reason, when user submit a new post , I will use h() to escape
any html or javascript code.
Is there any function likes h(), which will escape most of the
html/javascript code,
but also keep some basic html elements like , ,
… so that
user can post comment with some-html ?
Surendra S.
http://ssinghi.kreeti.com, http://www.kreeti.com
Read my blog at: http://cuttingtheredtape.blogspot.com/
| “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
| – Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945