Hi. I’m new here, and new at programming Ruby. I have a question about
it though.
Is there a possible way to write forms in HTML, and then read them using
a Ruby equivalent to the PHP $_GET or $_POST on the page where the
method points?
Hi. I’m new here, and new at programming Ruby. I have a question about
it though.
Is there a possible way to write forms in HTML, and then read them using
a Ruby equivalent to the PHP $_GET or $_POST on the page where the
method points?
Harry Sa wrote:
Is there a possible way to write forms in HTML, and then read them using
a Ruby equivalent to the PHP $_GET or $_POST on the page where the
method points?
Check out Ruby’s CGI library at
Yes, there is.
On your ruby application endpoint, you would need something like this:
require “cgi”
cgi = CGI.new
value = cgi[‘field_name’] # <== value string for ‘field_name’
And do all sorts of Ruby operations:
fields = cgi.keys # <== array of field names
On the same scoop of concept you were viewing it, cgi[‘field_name’] it’s
kind of the same as PHP’s $_REQUEST[‘field_name’].
Actually, I extracted that sample above from the cgi module
somebody else already pointed to you.
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