I created a new file named: _form.rhtml.rb and and have the following:
Bus unit
<%= f.text_field :bus_unit %>
Pro num
<%= f.text_field :pro_num %>
Ship num
<%= f.text_field :ship_num %>
Rbna num
<%= f.text_field :rbna_num %>
Basically I moved what was automatically generated by the scaffolding
to the new file _form.rhtml.erb. I did this because I plan on
changing the “Bus Unit” to a drop down box with 3 options. Everything
I’ve found suggest that this is how I need to do it. However, I get
the following error:
Couldn’t find template file for failures/_form in [“C:/apps/yrcsphere/
Hmm, that all sounds right to me. I’d suggest checking permissions on
the file, but since I see you’re on Windows, I’m not sure that makes
sense either.
I am so sorry. That fixed it. When you said typo, I checked my
original post and was missing the e in *erb. Renaming it to
_form.html.erb completely fixed it.