I have a select box, which is a javascript mashup that allows for an
editable select (i.e. index 0 is editable). I have it specified in
nearly straight html / js in my .html.erb form. The option values > 0
I would like to read from a table (I have a Channelnote model and
table creates, and I would like to have the values correspond
to Channelnote.note values).
How can I shoehorn what I have, below, into a formhelper somehow such
that I can accomplish this? Thanks, Rvince
<SELECT name=“channelnotes” id=“channelnotes” style="width:350px;
onKeyDown=“fnKeyDownHandler(this, event);” onKeyUp=“fnKeyUpHandler_A
(this, event); return false;” onKeyPress = “return fnKeyPressHandler_A
(this, event);” onChange=“fnChangeHandler_A(this, event);”>