Formatting timestamp objects

I want to print my timestamp objects in a specific format. I want to
a date like this:

Sunday, January 8 2006

I don’t want it to print January 08.

For the time, I want it to look like this:

9:08 pm

Not 09:08 and lower case PM. I created these methods:

def format_date(date)
date.strftime("%A, %B #{} #{date.year}")

def format_time(date)
if date.hour > 12
hour = date.hour - 12
elsif date.hour == 0
hour = 12
hour = date.hour
time = "#{hour}:#{date.min} "
if date.hour > 12
time += “pm”
time += “am”

There has to be a better way to do this. Any ideas?

BTW - How do I know what the datatype of the properties that are created
AcitveRecord::Base are?

Paul B. wrote:

I want to print my timestamp objects in a specific format. I want to
a date like this:

Sunday, January 8 2006

I don’t want it to print January 08.

For the time, I want it to look like this:

9:08 pm

Not 09:08 and lower case PM. I created these methods:

Try this for the time format

def format_time(date)
date.strftime("%I:%M %p") =~ /(0*)([\d:]+) (\w+)/
“#{$2} #{$3.downcase}”

Try this; it makes your view code very clean and dry.

Use a regexp to find 08 and replace it with 8? There’s not a cleaner
way to
do that?

Paul B. wrote:

I want to print my timestamp objects in a specific format. I want to
a date like this:

Sunday, January 8 2006

I don’t want it to print January 08.

For the time, I want it to look like this:

9:08 pm

Not 09:08 and lower case PM. I created these methods:

def format_date(date)
date.strftime("%A, %B #{} #{date.year}")

There has to be a better way to do this. Any ideas?

Check out ActiveSupport Time and Date conversion modules. They extend
to_s to take a symbol specifying the format to use, eg
“” converts the time to the canonical database
representation of a datetime. Then you can put something like the
following in your environment.rb file:

:date_time12 => “%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p”,
:date_time24 => “%m/%d/%Y %H:%M”

The use a regexp and .downcase to finish the job.

BTW - How do I know what the datatype of the properties that are created
AcitveRecord::Base are?

AR::columns returns an array of columns.
Try printing
MyModel.columns.collect {|c| [, c.type]}

Also, when I print, I get “Eastern Standard Time”. How can I
“EST” instead?