Formatting time calculation

I’m calculating the duration of an event by simply doing ‘end_time -
start_time’. This outputs the time in seconds.

However, i’d like this to be displayed in hours, minutes and seconds in
HH:mm:ss format.

Is this possible?

i don’t know that there is a specific rails method to do that.
however, something like this should do the trick.

def hms(secs)
h, secs = secs.divmod(3600)
m, s = secs.divmod(60)
h = h.to_s.rjust(2, “0”)
m = m.to_s.rjust(2, “0”)
s = s.round.to_s.rjust(2, “0”)

put that in your application_helper.rb file

<%= hms(@object.duration_in_secs) -%>

Paul N. wrote:

I’m calculating the duration of an event by simply doing ‘end_time -
start_time’. This outputs the time in seconds.

However, i’d like this to be displayed in hours, minutes and seconds in
HH:mm:ss format.

Is this possible?

I’m not aware of any Rails methods for this, so here is my

def format_time
seconds = time % 60
minutes = (time / 60) % 60
hours = (time / 3600) % 60


  • Jacob A.