I want to format an integer as hours and minutes.
Of course it’s easy to write this myself, but let’s respect DRY!
Is there a method I can use so that integers are converted to strings of
2 digits?
2 --> 02
11 --> 11
4 --> 04
I want to format an integer as hours and minutes.
Of course it’s easy to write this myself, but let’s respect DRY!
Is there a method I can use so that integers are converted to strings of
2 digits?
2 --> 02
11 --> 11
4 --> 04
Yep, you can use sprintf:
sprintf(“%0.2d”, 4)
=> “04”
Thiago J.
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On Mar 28, 3:50 pm, Brij N. [email protected]
4 --> 04
sprintf("%02d", 4) => 04
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