Hi I have a simple form where the user can sign up with an email and
password and click the create button but when this is done no action
happens and even when I fill in the form blank no error messages
are shown .What could be the issue in my code?
On 14 October 2012 09:31, Shaban K. [email protected] wrote:
Hi I have a simple form where the user can sign up with an email and
password and click the create button but when this is done no action
happens and even when I fill in the form blank no error messages
are shown .What could be the issue in my code?
Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging, that will give you ideas
on how to debug the code and work out what is going wrong.
On your _form.html.erb, you have to use as :-
<%= form_for (@user, :validate => true) do |f|%>
Try this… :validates => true triggers validations.
Hope this helps…