hey all,
I’ve got this column in a mysql table:
wholesale_price decimal(6,2)
this is the actual value that is currently stored in the db:
| wholesale_price |
| 19.00 |
the the view code to edit that:
<%= form.text_field :wholesale_price %>
but then the rendered html source looks like this:
when I want it to look like this:
<-- note the extra “0”
I mucked around with creating a helper method to fix that up but seem
to be missing something simple/obvious.
Thanks in advance for any help!
but then the rendered html source looks like this:
when I want it to look like this:
← note the extra “0”
imho its better to use textfield in the db, and store price data in the
‘Money’ type (off course, you must serialize this field in your model).
don’t forget to install money.gem and require
wbr, sh0ckfile.
FileForum moders team
That’s a good approach.
When I first started using Rails, I found this problem and it bugged me
so I
tried to write a plugin to override this behavior. I got it working but
was way more trouble than it was worth.
My approach was to add two new methods to my model.
#f retreives the wholesale price and formats it as a decimal
def format_wholesale_price
sprintf("%01.2f", self.wholesale_price
Sets the value (needed to make the form helper work
def format_wholesale_price=(value)
self.wholesale_price = value
Then just use those in your helpers.
<%= form.text_field :format_wholesale_price %>
That should work.