Form_tag issue

hi all,
i am getting the following warning
"warning: don’t put space before argument parentheses " when i am using
the ‘form_tag’ in rhtml

<% form_tag ({:name=>‘myform’ ,:action => ‘add_suggestion’,:page =>
@session_page},:multipart=>true) %>

the ‘form_tag’ is ended by ‘<% end %>’

i am using Ruby: 1.8.7,rails:2.3.11,gem:1.6.2

can anyone know why this warning is coming ?

Thanks and Regards
Sachin S. Kewale

On Dec 29, 2:06am, sachin kewale [email protected] wrote:

i am using Ruby: 1.8.7,rails:2.3.11,gem:1.6.2

can anyone know why this warning is coming ?

Thanks and Regards
Sachin S. Kewale

You have a space between form_tag and (. Remove it.