Form_tag and button_to bug?

I use form_tag create a form and nested a button_to tag like this:
<%= form_tag(orders_path) do %>
#some form fields
<%=button_to “remove”,line_item, :method=>:delete
<%= submit_tag “Checkout” %>
<% end %>

when I click “Checkout” ,the form always invokes “remove” method!
How can I solve this problem? Thanks!

On 5 August 2011 05:10, ryman [email protected] wrote:

How can I solve this problem? Thanks!
Have a look at the html of the page (View > Page Source, or similar,
in the browser) and see what tag you are generating. That will
show you what action should be called. Also you can look in
log/development.log to see what it says when you click submit.

Unless you have a good reason, however, I would suggest using form_for
rather than form_tag. It makes life easier generally.


On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 12:10 PM, ryman [email protected] wrote:

I use form_tag create a form and nested a button_to tag like this:
<%= form_tag(orders_path) do %>
#some form fields
<%=button_to “remove”,line_item, :method=>:delete
<%= submit_tag “Checkout” %>
<% end %>

I’m not sure but I think button_to creates a form. Since button_to is
the form tag, and it creates a form, then clicking ‘Checkout’ will also
whatever is inside the form created by button_to.

For more options, visit this group at

On 5 August 2011 10:47, Jim Ruther N. [email protected] wrote:

     <%= submit_tag "Checkout" %>
  <% end %>

I’m not sure but I think button_to creates a form. Since button_to is
the form tag, and it creates a form, then clicking ‘Checkout’ will also
whatever is inside the form created by button_to.

Yes of course, good thinking Jim. Nested forms are not allowed in html.
