
i cant figure out how my syntax is wrong. Ive looked at various apis but
they dotn give examples using paths but a book im using does for a
simple case. Whats wrong with this

<% form_remote_tag :url => multi_complete_project_tasks_path(@project),
:method => :put,
:html => multi_complete_project_tasks_path(@project),
:method => :put do %>

can anyone help?:

do |form|

hi vimal thanks but i dont think thats right. could you or someone show
a call to form
_remote_tag that will degrade if javascript is enabled in the browser?

if youd like something to work on how about his from railscasts

<% form_tag complete_tasks_path, :method => :put do %>

    <% for task in @incomplete_tasks %>
  • <%= check_box_tag "task_ids[]", %> <%= %>
  • <% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Mark as Complete" %> <% end %>