is there a way to have multiple buttons using the form_remote_tag to
appear in line with one another?
I’m trying to add Ajax to an application where I have three buttons in
a span, when I changed them from button_to to form_remote_tag i
haven’t seen a way to get them to appear in line as apposed to one on
top of the next.
Hi Lance,
[email protected] wrote:
I’m trying to add Ajax to an application where
I have three buttons in a span, when I changed
them from button_to to form_remote_tag i
haven’t seen a way to get them to appear in line
as apposed to one on top of the next.
Put them in individual divs and use CSS to position them.
thanks, ran with your suggestion and i found this
:html => {:class => “button-to”}
an in the css
.button-to, form div {
display: inline;
You’re a quick study Congrats!