[Form] Method POST & PUT problem


I have a form that should be a POST method, but Rails insist to put a
hidden field “_method” that has the value “put” does anyone knows why?


David S.

Controller: -------------------------------
def new
@user = @current_user

View: -------------------------------------
<% semantic_form_for @user, :url => profile_reset_password_url do |form|
<% form.inputs -%>
<%= form.input :password -%>
<%= form.input :new_password -%>
<%= form.input :new_password_confirmation -%>
<% end -%>
<%= form.buttons %>

<% end -%>

Routes: -----------------------------------
map.namespace :profile do |profile|
profile.resource :reset_password, :only => [:new, :create]

Output: -----------------------------------

  1. Password*
  2. New password* New password confirmation*

On 17 Aug 2010, at 05:19, David S. wrote:

I have a form that should be a POST method, but Rails insist to put a
hidden field “_method” that has the value “put” does anyone knows why?

Since @user already exists in the database (you assign an existing
record @current_user to it) and is not a new_record?, Rails assumes
you want to update the record aka a PUT request. Probably just
adding :method => :post as a parameter will do the trick.

Thanks Peter, just adding :method => :post worked.

Let me ask one more thing, just after a submit the form, the firefox
open a dialog box asking me each of users that is in a list that I want
to change the password. Actually does not matter each you pick, the user
that you are logon on the site gets the pass changed.

Tks again.

David S.