Form linking question

Hello all.

I currently have a method that is accessed from a form using this:

<%= start_form_tag :action => :history %>

Component Name
<%= text_field 'componentlog', 'cl_compname', :class => 'mandatory', :value => "#{session[:criteria]}" || nil %>

<%= submit_tag "Search", :class => "button" %> <%= end_form_tag %>

render :action => ‘search’
value = params[:componentlog][:cl_compname].strip
etc etc etc

Now this works fine and if possible I wouldn’t want to change it. Now
lets say that I want to link to this form using a link_to with a POST
type to trigger the post event. Something along the lines of

<%= link_to “#{componentlog.cl_compname}”, { :action => “history”,
[componentlog][:cl_compname] => componentlog.cl_compname}, :post => true

Trying the above results in a “Symbol as array index” error. How to I
construct the link_to statement so that it doesn’t fall over.

It wouldn’t suprise me if I found out I am doing everything in a less
than pefect way but hey, that is what first projects are for :wink:

Many thanks.


Trying the above results in a “Symbol as array index” error. How to I
construct the link_to statement so that it doesn’t fall over.

It wouldn’t suprise me if I found out I am doing everything in a less
than pefect way but hey, that is what first projects are for :wink:

Many thanks.


It is at this point I learn about “_tags” from another post and shuffle
back into the shadows in a very embarrassed fashion
