I have a form that is supposed to call the ‘create_asset_type_property’
action. For some reason, it always invokes the action ‘update’, and
gives me the error message “Unknown action: No action responded to
update”. Any ideas why?
Here’s the form…
<% form_remote_tag(
:url => url_for(:action => ‘create_asset_type_property’),
:html => { :asset_type_id => asset_type.id },
:complete => “$(‘createAssetPropertyNameField’).value = ‘’;” +
“$(‘createAssetPropertyDescriptionField’).value = ‘’;”
) do %>
blah blah blah
<% end %>
My action is in the controller…
def create_asset_type_property
@ … create and save the data here …
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html “assetTypePropertyListContainer”, :partial =>