Form_for with RESTful route calling the wrong action


I am using RESTFUL routes with the following setup with a form_for tag,
but instead of calling the :create action my form is calling the :new
action. I have read and re-read the resources documentation, and I am
confident that I have the right combination of paths, and posting
methods, please take a look at this setup and let me know if I’m doing
something stupid or if this is an error w/rails routing.

| # Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present
| RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.1.0’ unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

| <% form_for(:processing_service_levels, @level,
| :url => processing_service_level_path(@level),
| :html => { :method => :post}) do |f| %>

| map.resources :processing_service_levels

| # POST /processing_service_levels
| # POST /processing_service_levels.xml
| def create
| @level =[:id])
| @level.process_hours = (Integer(params[:months]) * 30 * 24) +
| (Integer(params[:days]) * 24) + Integer(params[:hours])
| respond_to do |format|
| if
| flash[:notice] = ‘Service level was successfully created.’
| …

,----[rendered html]
| … form stuff …

I’ve restarted with web-server since adding the map.resources line to my
routes. I’ve tried specifying the path using the old style

:url => {:controller => :processing_service_levels, :action => :create,
:id => @level}

but with no success. I’ve googled, and searched the archives of this
list, but I have had no success in finding out what’s going wrong.

Please help me out!

Thanks – Eric


On Oct 7, 3:10 pm, “Eric S.” [email protected] wrote:

| # Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present
| RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.1.0’ unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

What code do you have in your controller? It should be something like

class ProcessingServiceLevelsController < ApplicationController

def new
@processing_service_level =


| <% form_for(:processing_service_levels, @level,
| :url => processing_service_level_path(@level),
| :html => { :method => :post}) do |f| %>

Given the above controller code, you can use this instead:

<% form_for @processing_service_level do |f| %>

That should create a POST action to /processing_service_levels, which
should call your create action.

Last resort, try restarting your web server (mongrel or webrick or



On Oct 7, 3:47 pm, “Eric S.” [email protected] wrote:

Is there a way to inspect which method (put, post, get etc…) is being sent?

When I submit this form I am still directed to the
processing_service_controllers/new action. I’m really not clear on
what’s going on, and why this one particular model has issues when all
of my other models are working fine. Also the
processing_service_levels/edit form is submitting to the edit actions
instead of update.

Are you sure it’s just not being redirected? If the .save fails
inside the create() action, it looks like the code will render the new
form again - so perhaps it’s been misleading?

Can you check the development.log, and see if the #create action is
really ever getting called? At the end of the “Processing…” line in
the log, you should see “[POST]” to confirm that the POST method is
being used.

Sorry if you’ve already checked all this… just trying to think of
what to try next.



Jeff [email protected] writes:

something stupid or if this is an error w/rails routing.
class ProcessingServiceLevelsController < ApplicationController

def new
@processing_service_level =


the relevant methods in my processing_service_levels_controller.rb are

GET /processing_service_levels/new

GET /processing_service_levels/new.xml

def new
@processing_service_level =
@version = ProcessingServiceVersion.find(params[:version])
@parent = @version.processing_service
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :json => @level }

POST /processing_service_levels

POST /processing_service_levels.xml

def create
@level =[:id])
@level.process_hours = (Integer(params[:months]) * 30 * 24) +
(Integer(params[:days]) * 24) + Integer(params[:hours])
respond_to do |format|
flash[:notice] = ‘Service level was successfully created.’
format.html { redirect_to(:controller =>
:action => :show,
:id => @version,
:parent => @parent,
:level => @level) }
format.xml { render :json => @service, :status => :created,
:location => @level }
format.html { render(:action => “new”,
:version =>
:parent =>
@level.processing_service_version.processing_service) }
format.xml { render :json => @level.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }

not that the create method has ever successfully been called :wink:

I switched to the form_for argument you suggested, which renders to the
following html

That should create a POST action to /processing_service_levels, which
should call your create action.

Is there a way to inspect which method (put, post, get etc…) is being

When I submit this form I am still directed to the
processing_service_controllers/new action. I’m really not clear on
what’s going on, and why this one particular model has issues when all
of my other models are working fine. Also the
processing_service_levels/edit form is submitting to the edit actions
instead of update.

Last resort, try restarting your web server (mongrel or webrick or

I’ve been restarting my web-server after almost every change.

Thanks for the advice, if you have any other ideas please let me know –

My bad,

it looks like the creation form was nested inside of empty
tags. These surrounding tags, must have been what was breaking the
submit action to GET rather than POST. I removed these tags and it
appears to be working.

Thanks for the help! Sorry about the noise – Eric

“Eric S.” [email protected] writes:

Jeff [email protected] writes:

Are you sure it’s just not being redirected? If the .save fails
inside the create() action, it looks like the code will render the new
form again - so perhaps it’s been misleading?

Can you check the development.log, and see if the #create action is
really ever getting called? At the end of the “Processing…” line in
the log, you should see “[POST]” to confirm that the POST method is
being used.

Thank for the help Jeff,

I checked the logs, and immediately after rendering the
processing_service_levels/new page, the next line is

Processing ProcessingServiceLevelsController#new (for at
2008-10-07 13:55:32) [GET]

for more of the log see [1] below

which leads me to believe that the form is submitting directly to the
new action using GET. I don’t see how this could be the case given the
raw html of the “new” page, unless maybe something is twisted inside of
the rails routing…

I’ve also tried sticking error raising code in the from of the udpate
action, but said code is never reached…

Thanks – Eric

Sorry if you’ve already checked all this… just trying to think of
what to try next.


,----[development log]
| Processing ProcessingServiceLevelsController#new (for at 2008-10-07 13:55:25) [GET]
| Session ID: f69ec3fdb850969c52d3e6173df8e72e
| Parameters: {“action”=>“new”, “version”=>“20”, “controller”=>“processing_service_levels”}
| User Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM users
| User Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM users WHERE ( = 5) LIMIT 1
| ProcessingServiceLevel Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM processing_service_levels
| ProcessingServiceVersion Columns (0.8ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM processing_service_versions
| ProcessingServiceVersion Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM processing_service_versions WHERE ( = 20)
| ProcessingService Columns (0.8ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM processing_services
| ProcessingService Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM processing_services WHERE ( = 3)
| Rendering template within layouts/application
| Rendering processing_service_levels/new
| Rendered processing_services/_processing_service (3.7ms)
| Rendered processing_service_versions/_processing_service_version (3.7ms)
| Rendered processing_service_levels/_form (4.0ms)
| Rendered users/_user_bar (3.3ms)
| Completed in 130ms (View: 35, DB: 4) | 200 OK [http://localhost/processing_service_levels/new?version=20]
| Processing ProcessingServiceLevelsController#new (for at 2008-10-07 13:55:32) [GET]
| Session ID: f69ec3fdb850969c52d3e6173df8e72e
| Parameters: {“month”=>“0”, “commit”=>“Create”, “processing_service_level”=>{“name”=>“Nothing”, “description”=>“Nothing”, “processing_service_version_id”=>“20”}, “hour”=>“0”, “authenticity_token”=>***, “action”=>“new”, “day”=>“0”, “controller”=>“processing_service_levels”}
| User Columns (1.1ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM users
| User Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM users WHERE ( = 5) LIMIT 1
| ProcessingServiceLevel Columns (1.1ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM processing_service_levels

Could your browser cache be screwing with you maybe? Any difference if
you switch to a different browser?