Forking processes and writing to log file


So, on linux, I’m forking a new Ruby process. I redirect stdout and
stderr into a file and then I execute another program via ‘system’.

If I background the main Ruby process, the writing to the log file
seems to get halted as (I think) it’s waiting for terminal input
(which it’s not):

$ ./the_ruby_program.rb &
[1] + Suspended (tty input) ./the_ruby_program.rb

Any ideas?


On 9/26/06, Joe Van D. [email protected] wrote:


So, on linux, I’m forking a new Ruby process. I redirect stdout and
stderr into a file and then I execute another program via ‘system’.

I should probably mention that the other program that’s being executed
is rsh, which executes a command on a different machine.