Forgot Password with RESTFul_Authentication plugin?

Hi, migrating over to Rails 2.0.1 and stuck on this final bit.

I’ve replaced the acts_as_authenticated plugin with the
RestFul_Authentication plugin, curing some session errors, added
Will_Paginate to allow me to paginate pages; all going good there.

However my old forgot_password code throw’s up when called…

NoMethodError in AccountController#forgot_password
private method `update’ called for #User:0x34d0668

method_missing' app/controllers/account_controller.rb:80:inforgot_password’

{“commit”=>“Reset Password”,

I know this is due to the old acts_as_authenticated plugin, but is there
any way of doing this with the new RESTFul_Authentication plugin ?

Any ideas?

Worked it out,

switched my:



works fine under the new plugin,

all the best,


John G. wrote:

Hi, migrating over to Rails 2.0.1 and stuck on this final bit.

I’ve replaced the acts_as_authenticated plugin with the
RestFul_Authentication plugin, curing some session errors, added
Will_Paginate to allow me to paginate pages; all going good there.

However my old forgot_password code throw’s up when called…

NoMethodError in AccountController#forgot_password
private method `update’ called for #User:0x34d0668

method_missing' app/controllers/account_controller.rb:80:in forgot_password’

{“commit”=>“Reset Password”,

I know this is due to the old acts_as_authenticated plugin, but is there
any way of doing this with the new RESTFul_Authentication plugin ?

Any ideas?