Hi Everyone,
Can anyone pls tell me how to use 2 variables (objects) in FOR Loop?
Normally in most programming languages it will be like,
Whats the equivalent for above statement in Rails? i have two objects
with same number of fields but different values.
@original_object & @modified_object
Thanks in Advance,
Hi –
On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Vasanthakumar C. wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone pls tell me how to use 2 variables (objects) in FOR Loop?
Normally in most programming languages it will be like,
Whats the equivalent for above statement in Rails? i have two objects
with same number of fields but different values.
@original_object & @modified_object
There are several possibilities, depending on exactly what you want to
do (which I’m not totally clear on). One would be:
fields.size.times do |i|
j = i
though I suspect that if you really just need an index, you wouldn’t
need two variables.
You could also look into Array#zip. Beyond that I’d need to know more
about what you’re trying to do and how your data are organized.
Upcoming Rails training from David A. Black and Ruby Power and Light:
ADVANCING WITH RAILS, April 14-17 2008, New York City
CORE RAILS, June 24-27 2008, London (Skills Matter)
See http://www.rubypal.com for details. Berlin dates coming soon!
Vasanthakumar C. wrote:
Whats the equivalent for above statement in Rails?
Thanks in Advance,
There are many types of loops. For the one in your example you could
until 1 <= 5 do
1.upto(5) do |x|
To use two variables you are going to have to use two loops - there is
no way that I know of to write a single loops that counts double.
It also depends on what you are counting? If you have a list of stuff
then the loop could be written as:
stuff.each do |x|
What are you trying to do with the @modified and @oringinal objects? Are
you trying to compare their fields?
Hi David and Nantz,
this is what i am trying to do
@window_data_original = Window.getGeneralData(building_id)
@window_data_modified =
So after the above two statments, i will have two different objects with
same fields but different values.
Now, these are multi-dimensional array objects (since a building can
have any number of windows). My project is a scientific project, where i
need to
calculate some parameter’s like below (just giving a sample):
for window_data_original in @window_data_original
calculation_value1 = window_data_original.size -
total = total + calculation_value1
Hope, i am clear this time. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Hi –
On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Vasanthakumar C. wrote:
need to
calculate some parameter’s like below (just giving a sample):
for window_data_original in @window_data_original
That’s some weird loop variable naming 
calculation_value1 = window_data_original.size -
total = total + calculation_value1
If it’s two arrays them you can zip them, or just use an index and
fish things out:
@w_d_orig.each_with_index do |wdo,i|
wdm = @w_d_modified[i]
# etc.
(if I’m understanding correctly).
Upcoming Rails training from David A. Black and Ruby Power and Light:
ADVANCING WITH RAILS, April 14-17 2008, New York City
CORE RAILS, June 24-27 2008, London (Skills Matter)
See http://www.rubypal.com for details. Berlin dates coming soon!
Hope this would be clear,
for employee in @employees
calculation_value1 = employee.size - employee.size
first is original value (employee.size) and second is modified
value (employee.size)
total = total + calculation_value1
Here, @employees is an two-dimensional array of 50 employees & so the
for loop will run for 50 times. Now, i want to iterate through both
arrays simultaneously so that i will get the final result.
eg:- (consider 5th employee)
calculation_value1 = original_employee[5].size -
Hope you understand my problem and help me out of this.
Thanks in advance.
CSK Vasanth wrote:
for employee in @employees
calculation_value1 = employee.size - employee.size
first is original value (employee.size) and second is modified
value (employee.size)
total = total + calculation_value1
Combining that with:
eg:- (consider 5th employee)
calculation_value1 = original_employee[5].size -
And the examples everyone has provided, you have choices like:
@orig_employees.each_with_index |orig_employee, i|
mod_employee = @mod_employees[i]
calc_val1 = orig_employee.size - mod_employee.size
total = total + calc_val1
(0…@orig_employees.length).each |i|
orig_employee = @orig_employees[i]
mod_employee = @mod_employees[i]
calc_val1 = orig_employee.size - mod_employee.size
total = total + calc_val1
(yes, that was 3 dots in the range, not 2)
@orig_employees.length.times |i|
orig_employee = @orig_employees[i]
mod_employee = @mod_employees[i]
calc_val1 = orig_employee.size - mod_employee.size
total = total + calc_val1
There are many ways you can do this using the solutions provided. Note
that you don’t need 2 indexes, since you say both arrays will be the
same length. One index is enough to refer to both arrays.